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Tag: videocast
Anthony Vanella Shares His Secrets to Winning at Warhammer: “Kill. KILL THEM ALL” | Grim After Dark
Not content with joining the Art of War Warhammer Empire as a coach, Anthony Vanella spends his days making nerds do math while he argues with Innes Wilson once a week on YouTube about Warhammer. Tonight, he lowers himself to this Warhammer rip off of Space Ghost as Jon petitions Frontline to make set mats…
The Warhammer 40,00 Meta is Absolutely Fine | Grim After Dark
The Stat Daddy Himself, Nathaniel Hennig joins Danny and Jon to discuss the immortal empires of Stat Check, the meta at the moment and how he sees the game from a top down perspective.
Double Aussie Trouble as we Roll For Damage! | The Thursday Show
Double Aussie Trouble as we Roll For Damage!
The Future of 40k | Signals from the Frontline
Kicker and Seth are back this week and they are taking a deep dive into the future of 40k.
Time to have a bloodbath in Ottawa | The Thursday Show
Today we cover the Capital City Bloodbath in Ottawa, then down to Salt Lake city for the Salt Lake Open, then all the way over to Korea to cover a big event there as well!
40K World Team Championship Recap With Adam Camilleri | Signals from the Frontline
The Fresh off of his WTC tour, Adam Camalleri of ozzy fame joins Signals resident Cajun, Kicker and FLGN Canadian director Val to fill us in on how the world is looking post 40K Olympics.
If Nobody Streamed the WTC Did It Even Actually Happen? | Grim After Dark
Put him in coach, Backup Quarterback and FLGN Producer extraordinaire gets dragged into this mess because Jon didn’t do his job (Again)
WIN LVO? Hack your Hobby Score or Remove them Completely | Signals from the Frontline
And if you want to pick up any new products and also want to support the show, please use our affiliate link. We would really appreciate it.
The Silver Tide strikes in the Midlands | The Thursday Show
This week we are looking at the Palm Springs GT, Beast from the Midlands East and a saucy shark tank in Ireland!