Beer-Hammer, Hoooooo! Another awesome Beerhammer battle report from Adam over at the Dice Abide blog. Don’t forget, Adam will be running a Beerhammer 40K tournament at the Las Vegas Open! Tickets for that event go up for sale at the end of this month!
Tag: lvo
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Rules and Bad Jokes!
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Rules and Bad Jokes! Pres play to listen to the podcast, livestream at the bottom of the notes. Show Notes 7-6-13 News 2nd half of the Eldar orders have pretty much all shipped! Big thanks to GW and our rep for getting that to…
Signals from the Frontline: News, Rumors, List for Review
Signals from the Frontline: News, Rumors, List for Review Press play to listen to the podcast, scroll to the bottom of the notes! Show Notes 5-30-13 News We will not be recording Signals from the Frontline for either show next week, Frankie is going to see his new nephew and Reece is going to a…
Las Vegas Open Contract Signed! Dates and Location Set!
It’s on like Donkey Kong!
Signals from the Frontline: News, New Releases, Rumors, Fantasy 9th ed, Las Vegas Open and Anime Expo News
Signals from the Frontline: News, New Releases, Rumors, Las Vegas Open and Anime Expo News
New Indy Tournament FAQ up! Version 1.7
BAO Tournament FAQ V1.2 (Free for use and modification by any TO’s who choose to do so) Warhammer 40,000 Rules Addendum Warhammer 40,000 Rules Addendum This is the latest version of the independent tournament FAQ you will find at the BAO, LVO, Anime Expo, Duel Con, Comikaze, Wargame Con, Adepticon, The Feast of Blades, etc. Warhammer 40,000…
Las Vegas Open: Community Feedback on Dates Wanted!
Las Vegas Open in-bound! Hey everyone, we’re coming in to the tail end of negotiations on the Las Vegas Open! I’ve been working on finalizing our entire events calendar for the year, and it is all coming together nicely. Once everything falls into place, you’ll be able to plan on attending the same events each year! We’re also…