Join us for the LIVE show, today at 11:00am PST.
Tag: aos
We’re Launching A New Podcast: The 9th Realm!
FIRST EPISODE DEBUTS JULY 6th! Hey Guys! I get to do the honors of announcing our new AoS Podcast! We are super excited about branching out and bringing you more content!
Stormcast Eternals Review Final: Battalions Part 2
Welcome back, brothers and sisters! I’m Anvil, and today, we will FINALLY be wrapping up the tactics on Stormcast Eternals.
Stormcast Eternals Part 3: Heroes
This is Anvil, excited and ready for another tactics article for Age of Sigmar! Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Signals from the Frontline #402
Join us for the LIVE show by following this link! Starts at 11am, PST, today!
Signals from the Frontline #401
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link.
Stormcast Eternal Tactics: Part 1
Stormcast Eternals Army: Part 1. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Anvil of War: Age of Sigmar Tactics 101
Greetings, Commanders and Warlords! Welcome to a new series of tactics articles based on Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. be sure to check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Signals from the Frontline #374
Show Notes 9-21-15
Age Of Sigmar Long Form Battle Report #3
The guys change it up by adding Objectives in this game of Age of Sigmar. Will it change everything? Or will it end up in a mosh pit? Find out! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!