Here we have the infamous Tastey Taste and Raw Dogger in a showdown of Orks vs. Imperial Guard in a BAO practice match.
Tag: 40K
Nurgle Themed Traitor Guard Army we Recently Completed for Client
We recently completed a really cool looking Nurgle themed traitor Guard Force for a client and it looks great.
Frontline Gaming Inspired Necron Scarab Farm Army
Reader Aaron writes in to tell us about his awesome looking Scarab Farm Army!
Broadside Bash Pictures
The Broadside Bash is a GT in LA that happened recently. They took a slew of pictures which you can see here.
Signals from the Frontline: Puppet’s War, Dream Forge, Bay Area Open Annoucements
Signals from the Frontline: Puppet’s War, Dream Forge, Bay Area Open Annoucements.
Space Hulk in 3D!
This is just too cool! Forgeworld made a 3D SPacehulk table!
Of Orks and Tournaments: 40K Editorial
A guest editorial by Captain Dees. Do you agree with Cpt. Dees opinion here, or is Captain Dees’, nuts?
Tyranid and Space Wolf Second Wave Models
Well, the rumors are true and the models are pretty sweet!
40K News: Chapter House Releases New True Scale Knight Praetorians
These kits are very cool and would be great for a 40K Space Marines army.
Signals from the Frontline: Enigma and HiTech Miniatures, New GW Releases, Dundracon and Braodside Bash Tournament Reports
Signals from the Frontline: Enigma and HiTech Miniatures, New GW Releases, Dundracon and Braodside Bash Tournament Reports Hitech minitures Enigma Minitures