Well, the rumors are true and the models are pretty sweet!
Category: News
40K News: Chapter House Releases New True Scale Knight Praetorians
These kits are very cool and would be great for a 40K Space Marines army.
Signals from the Frontline: Enigma and HiTech Miniatures, New GW Releases, Dundracon and Braodside Bash Tournament Reports
Signals from the Frontline: Enigma and HiTech Miniatures, New GW Releases, Dundracon and Braodside Bash Tournament Reports Hitech minitures http://hitechminiatures.com/ Enigma Minitures http://enigmaminiatures.com/en/firstborn.html
Adepticon Bound and Down Part Deux
On lists and such….
We want to welcome Blasto to the Paint Squad!
We’ve got a new, and very talented painter coming to work with us at Frontline Gaming: Blasto!
Signals from the Frontline: GW Pricing Rumors, New Privateer Press, Forgeworld Models, Shapeways 3D Printing
In this Episode, Frankie, Reece and Vidar discuss GW Pricing Rumors, New Privateer Press, Forgeworld Models, Shapeways 3D Printing.
Bay Area Open 2012 40K Narrative Event Teaser!
This is a super cool audio clip put together by Big Jim and the guys from Deepstrike Radio for the 40K narrative event.
Star Wars Miniatures Game
Fantasy Flight primed to launch a 40K killer?
Signals from the Frontline: We Discuss Puppets War Models, Urban Mammoth, Gw Releases, and Kromlech Models
In this episode Frankie and Reece talk about Puppet Wars and Kromlechs Model Range and new Releases, Urban Mammoth Second Edition, and some of the Games Workshop new Releases Coming out soon. Puppets war http://puppetswar.eu/ Kromlech http://kromlech.eu/ Urban Mammoth http://www.urbanwarthegame.com/news.php Broadside bash http://broadside-bash.blogspot.com/
Signals from the Frontline: New Privateer Press models, 40K Rumors, Skared Podcast, Broadside Bash
In this episode of Signals from the Frontline, Frankie and Will discuss the new Privateer Press models, 40K Rumors, the Skared Podcast, and the Broadside Bash GT coming up in a few weeks.