Hey everyone, we accidentally jumped the gun on the pre-release info. Our rep asked us to take it down and wait until Friday. Sorry for the confusion, but the sale will in fact happen, just have to wait a little while!
Category: Fantasy
Signals From the Frontline: Chaos Talk, Warriors of Chaos Release, Pre-Order Special, Special News!
Signals From the Frontline: Chaos Talk, Warriors of Chaos Release, Pre-Order Special, Special News! Check out the Frontline Gaming’s rider and his bike! http://www.facebook.com/BigBCRacing
Rumor: Warriors of Chaos in next White Dwarf and Teaser Video and Pre-Order Special Inbound!!
So, we’ve got some info on the upcoming WoC release.
For Sale: Partially Painted Skaven Army
This army is in various stages of painting. Some of it is painted to an excellent quality, some of it only primed, some of it base coated, some of it only assembled. It also features some really cool conversions mixing in Warmachine models. The seller is asking $400 or best offer. If interested, please email:…
Fantasy Rumors: Warriors of Chaos 8th ed Rumor Compilation
Here are some Warriors of Chaos rumors to chew on that I have compiled. Looks like November will be the first wave of releases, which is awesome. Thanks to Avian over at Warseer and Naftka for these. I love the aesthetic of WoC, can’t wait to see some of the new goodies!
Hobby Wow! Check out the UK Slayer Sword Winner, Mind Blowing Mini!
This is just amazing, the detail, the musculature, the freehand work, the basing, presentation, everything is amazing. Definitely give it a look!
40K News: White Dwarf Daily
Some interesting news from White Dwarf.
Fantasy New Release: Incarnate Elemental of Fire
Check out this fantastic new model from Warhammer Forge!
Signals from the Frontline: Warriors of Chaos Rumors, Events, News and 40K Rumors!
Signale from the Frontline: Warriors of Chaos Rumors, Events, News and 40K Rumors! Press play to listen to the podcast.
Recently Completed Projects!
Check out some of our latest projects!