Hey everyone, Frankie here to talk a little bit about getting ready for a large GT.
Category: Editorial
Joke Armies – an Editorial
Ponies and Smurfs and Gundams! Oh my! Sometimes someone posts a joke army they’ve built and painted on the internet and the internet lashes out against it, sometimes quite vociferously. I have a problem with the strong objections to these armies, with caveats. Please note that, throughout this article, I will refer to armies which…
No Mercy Tourney Report
Hey what’s up everyone? Geoff iNcontroL Robinson here from Team 0 Comp and I thought I would for no particular reason (teehee) give a bit of a report on my experience at the No Mercy tourney we just got back from in Sacramento. As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more tournament reports!
Observations Of Strong 40k Players
Lose Much? When you play 40k for any length of time, especially when you start playing tournaments at home and around the country, you get the chance to play against a lot of different people. I’ve been fortunate to play against a lot of strong 40k players, or rather I should say I’ve been fortunate…
Mr.MoreTanks’ 40k Thoughts! Guard Primary, Can it Work?
Howdy fellow whammerhammer nerds, Mr.MoreTanks here today to talk about one of my favorite, if not my actual favorite, 40k armies in the game: the Imperial Guard.
So You Want To Be A TO?
About Me I’ve been running events for years now. I started with Wizkids games like Mage Knight, Mechwarrior and Hero Clix, running weekly events at local game stores. I’ve also run and organized paintball events in the Pacific Northwest. Recently I’ve been running the 40k tournaments at Guardian Games, Portland Oregon’s premier game store with…
Ninja Space Clowns…in Spaaaace!
Who’s got two thumbs and is pumped for the potential release of the Harlequin supplement? This guy!
Mixed Terrain Types on Tables, Rad or Risky?
Hey everyone, Reecius here to talk about a topic that comes up from time to time: is it fun or fail to have very different terrain types for a 40k tournament?
Are Removed from Play Attacks a problem in 40k, or fun?
Hey everyone, Reecius here to discuss a hot topic in our favorite pastime: removes from play attacks.
A Different Perspective on The Spearhead Formation…Of DOOOMMM!!! by Pascal Roggen
It’s always good to get different points of view on hot topics. Dedicated Blood Angels player, Pascal has written in from New Zealand to share his thoughts on the recent debate over the Blood Angels Spearhead Formation. I know folks have strong feelings on this, so please keep in commentary civil. -Reece