Hey Everyone! Adam, FLG Head Judge and TFG Radio host, hereto introduce myself and what this series is about.
Category: Conquest
An Errant of the Order of the Shield- Fiction
The lore behind Para Bellum’s Conquest is one of the best, if not the best, in all of wargaming. The rich worldbuilding is on a level that is rarely reached by some fantasy authors, let alone wargame developers. The lore has inspired me to take a stab at some of my own fiction based on the world of Ea that Para Bellum Games has created. Hope you enjoy, and if you would like to see more of this content in the future be sure to let me know in the comments! Enjoy the read:
The Definitive Guide to Biomancing
In previous versions of Conquest the Biomancer put out absurd amounts of healing and force multiplying buffs to a Spires army. There was really no need for a guide on how to use the Biomancer because it was as simple as “take three and never loose a Regiment.” While the Biomancer’s healing has been toned down a bit, and he requires must more finesse to use effectively than before, he is still an extremely valuable tool. The Biomancer comes with the Biotic Renewal Draw Event which allows him to heal the Regiment he is in for D6 wounds (unless he find himself in a Brute Regiment then the healing is reduced to D3). In addition to the healing from his Draw Event, a Biomancer has the character action Mend Flesh. This actions allows him to select a Regiment within 8 inches and heal it for 2 wounds. This substantial amount of healing isn’t even all of the support a Biomancer can lend to your Spires army! In addition to the healing he also character specific Biomancies:
Para Bellum’s Conquest W’adrhun Summer
There have been a ton of previews coming out of Adepticon from a small wargaming company called Games Workshop (maybe you have heard of them). They are doing a pretty good job at creating hype over their upcoming releases, but they could learn a thing or two from Para Bellum Games and their announcement for their upcoming Conquest releases. Sure, GW has a cool 5 minute animated video of Space Marines fighting Tyranids, but this is something we have all seen before. You know what we all haven’t seen before? A Battle Brontosaurus.
Para Bellum’s Conquest News!
For such a small company, Para Bellum is doing an amazing job with their rapid fire release schedule, constant rules updates/FAQs (that actually balance the game), and the management of their growing community of Conquest players. I have jumped head first into the amazing universe of Conquest and I could not be happier. Below are a list of things coming to the game of Conquest in the very near future.
Chapter Mage vs. Theist Priest When Building a 100 Kingdoms Army
The 100 Kingdoms faction in Para Bellum’s Conquest miniature wargame has two strong choices when it comes to spellcasters, the Chapter Mage and the Theist Priest. Both have their strengths and weaknesses, making them effective in different ways. In this article, we’ll explore the effectiveness of these two characters and how they fit into a winning 100 Kingdoms strategy.
Conquest Releases a New Unit: The Varangian Guard
For all of us history nerds out there, this is really cool. Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings, a fantasy rank and file miniatures game, brings us a new unit for their “undead” faction, the Old Dominion.
How To Build A 1500pts Nords Army In Just Two Purchases
With the release of the brand new City States vs. Nords starter set, Para Bellum has made getting into the game of Conquest extremely affordable (well, as far as miniature wargames go anyway). There has been a lot of focus on the City States as the new faction in the game, but the other half…
Conquest 2.0 100 Kingdoms Army List Review
Today my Conquest gaming group is putting on our first Last Argument of Kings 2.0 tournament at Titan Games and Hobbies in Timonium, MD! Conquest has been growing steadily in my area, and it has been great to see new players dive into this amazing wargame. Some of them are coming from other wargames, and…
What is the Fabricator’s Forge? – A Club/Store Hybrid
Hi All,Today we have a rather unusual topic for our interview. We are interview Dom who runs the Fabricator’s Forge store/club out in Pittsburgh, PA. Now, full disclosure, I am a member of this club, but I also feel it’s one a good story to share as it shows how a European style club can…