Para Bellum Games, publisher of fantasy Mass Combat Miniature Wargame “Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings” and Skirmish ruleset “Conquest: First Blood,” has offered some deep insight into the Eidolon and Inquisitor releases of the City States faction.
Category: Conquest
Conquest Releases Full 2,000 Pt Armies
Para Bellum Games, publisher of fantasy Mass Combat Miniature Wargame “Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings” and Skirmish ruleset “Conquest: First Blood,” has unveiled four factions that each have 2000-point armies configured for tournament play of The Last Argument of Kings.
New FLG Mat: Krubera
We have a brand new FLG Mat for you: Kurbera!
Getting Started in Conquest: Old Dominion
The Old Dominion are a faction made up of undead soldiers and constructs reanimated from the power of the original god that men worshiped on Ea. The Hundred Kingdoms faction are all refugees of the lands that are now inhabited by the undead Old Dominion after the Hundred Kingdom’s ancestors fled their god going mad to make everyone very undead. While their god going mad wasn’t great for the Hundred Kingdoms, it did create the undead faction of the Old Dominion which is my favorite in the game of Conquest.
FLG Store: Conquest Restock and New Kits
Hi all,If you are looking at getting into Conquest now is a great time! We have just restocked on many of our Conquest items and have added a ton of new models! Check it out!
Conquest First Blood: A Not So Skirmish Wargame
Para Bellum calls First Blood their skirmish game, but I think this paints the wrong picture for miniature wargamers who may be interested in getting into this version of Conquest. First Blood doesn’t use the square stands that come with all Conquest miniatures, and models move around the table in loose formations of models on the circular bases that many of us are familiar with, but there is little else about this game the says “skirmish wargame.”
Restock on Star Wars: Shatterpoint, Legion, ASoIaF, Conquest and MCP!
We’ve gotten a hefty restock of some of these popular games at discounted prices! Take a look.
LVO 2024 and 10th ed 40k: This Saturday at 10am PST!
Mark your calendars for June 10th, 2023 at 10am PST to jump on LVO 2024 registration AND 10th ed Warhammer 40k! It is going to be an exciting weekend for gamers.
FLG Judge Talk: Where to Find Stuff
Hey everyone! Adam, FLG Head Judge and host of TFG Radio, here this week to help you find where some of the information is for Frontline Gaming’s events.
The Definitive Guide To Pheromancy
The Pheromancer from Conquest’s Spires faction will either be the most exciting card you draw from your command stack during a game or the most disappointing. While the Biomancer’s buffing ability and healing is relatively straight forward, the Pheromancer will require much more finesse to use effectively on the battlefield. However, once a Spires general masters the card flipping, command stack altering, force multiplying buffs that the Pheromancer can put out they will be a truly scary opponent to face in a game of Conquest.