A guest article form our friend, the Cranky Old Gamer! Be sure to check out his blog for more content. Hey everyone – back from LVO 2016 and boy did I take a crapton of pictures. I had a great time even though my plans for the trip had to get altered slightly (details inside)….
Category: 30K
Daily Awesome Conversion
This Awesome mini was painted and converted by Jim Brown. This quality work called “the traitor basford” is a very intimidating mini, looks great!
Daily Awesome Conversion
Behold the pride of the legion, the mighty Contemptor! This amazing paint job by Andrey Demidov, was done only using Acrylic brushes and Citadel paints. Everything from the Banner to the base is Incredible! Hats off to you its great work!
Daily Awesome Conversion
This Awesome Diorama of an Arch-Magos and his Scyllax Gaurdians on a custom base, were created and painted by Stephen Jamie-Hall Flack and are all Top Quality! I especially love the Magos (one of my favorite characters and all around badass!) Great work!
Signals from the Frontline #412
Join us for the live show at 11am, PST!
LVO 2016 Video
Just some highlights from this years LVO, shoutout to the hobby classes, significant other events, magic, and X-wing. 2017 is going to be amazing, see you all next year! The song in the video is Can’t Stop Now by Radical Something
Daily Awesome Conversion
The mighty Lady Administrator Itela Justina and Cherub Jael, Sculpted by Anton Derbilov and painted by Stanislav Kurylenko is a incredible piece, worked in 120mm scale is a true masterpiece! Great Work!
BoLS LVO 2016 Round Up
Big Red takes a tour of the Las Vegas Open 2016 and talks with Reece Robbins of Front Line Gaming!
Signals from the Frontline #409
Join us for the live show at 11am PST by following this link! Show Notes Date
Daily Awesome Conversion
Behold Logar, Primarch of the XVII legion. This awesome paint job has been created by Bohun, I love the detail in this, and the dark presents that Logar has. Its a great Mini!