I like charts. Not only are charts a useful way to disseminate complicated information in an easily digestible from, they also provide a lovely veneer or sophistication for otherwise vapid content. As most interesting topics already have charts about them I figure there was little left to me but to make some charts….. about charts….
Author: Lord Paddington
Applying Goal Orientation Theory to Warhammer
One thing that graduate students often share with five year olds is a burning desire to share what they are learning with others. As a member of the former category, I have recently found an interesting idea that I think applies to Warhammer or other competitive games. Now I am not an expert on Goal…
Warzone Charadon – Act 2 – Book of Fire – Narrative Review
Hello All,My apologies on the lateness of this review, I had a little trouble getting my hands on a copy of the Book of Fire but I enjoyed it nonetheless. As with my previous review, I will go through the Campaign Rules, the Legendary Missions and the Crusade Rules. –Campaign Rules – As with the…
Point-Counterpoint: The Death Korps of Krieg should be GW’s featured regiment
Hello All, With the arrival of the new Death Korps of Krieg models showing up it brings up the question: should Games Workshop feature the Death Korps of Krieg as the de-facto regiment going forward? For many years the Cadians have served in this role but with the untimely demise of Cadia and the age…
40K Stoat’s Center Presents Drama Bingo
At time’s like this when drama is circling the community we here at Stoat’s Center find that it is our duty to find someway to draw people together. to that end we put our heads together and came up with the following idea: 40K Drama Bingo! Have you ever wished there was a way for…
A Trumpet Blast Against the Monstrous Regiment of Submarines
Recently there has been some discussion in the community about the practice of “Submarine-ing”.
Ork Codex – Narrative Review
Hello everyone,While I am not an Ork player myself, I was very excited about the new crusade rules in the Ork Codex. One of the main reasons I was interested is that the Orks background allows them a lot of narrative opportunities and I was curious to see how the new rules would seek to…
Managing Expectations
I’ve always had a strange relationship to WHFB. I learned to play 7th edition in college with a buddy and I would squeeze in a couple games a year. In the following years games would be hard to come by, to say nothing of narrative or competitive events. This was partially due to my own…
40k Stoat’s Center Talks Player Health
Hello All, As I am sure you know playing repeated games of 40k over a weekend or at a tournament can have deleterious effects on one’s health. In order to counteract such impacts I invited a special guest: Dr. Mink M.D. L.B.C.P. for his expert opinion on whether it is better to stand or sit…
Forge World’s Identity Crisis
One of the interesting things about being in the 40K world for many years is that you get to see how companies evolve over time. You can witness the professionalization of Games Workshop and the ways they have sought to interact (if at all) with their customers. In my opinion one of the more interesting…