Again, sorry for spelling/grammar issues, writing on my phone. Anyway, 6th looks to be on the horizon. We’re getting word from mulitple sources that gw retailers are being told to clear out 5th Ed rule books in preparation for the new rule set. What this means is that we shall soon see if we get…
Author: Reecius
slaughter in space brief recap.
Hey everyone, just back from the slaughter in space gt and wanted to give a brief recap on how things went. Also, sorry for any spelling errors or grammar issues, I’m writing this on my phone. Team zero comp represented this year avain, taking 1,2, and 3 as well as best painted! Christian the defending…
Video Battle Report: Grant’s Eldar vs. Will’s Daemons
Grant challenges Will in a try-out match to make it onto Team Zero Comp! If he wins, he makes the squad!
Signals from the Frontline: Drop Zone Commander, GW Price Increases, Slaughter in Pace GT, New Flyer Rules
Signals from the Frontline: Drop Zone Commander, GW Price Increases, Slaughter in Pace GT, New Flyer Rules
New Information from Drop Zone Commander
These miniatures just keep looking cooler and cooler! I am very excited for this game. It releases the third week of June!
The Price Increases are Legit
We just got off the phone with GW and the price increases are in fact real.
Thoughts on the Recent Leaked 40K Price Increases
So by now I am sure all have you have heard about the rumored price increases, some products said to be going up by as much as 25%!
For Sale: Table of Terrain (Sold)
Table of Terrain for sale.
NOVA Crew Made a Funny Short Film, Check it Out!
Definitely a funny little flick, and well made.
New 40K Flyer Pics!
And they look pretty awesome! We got these via Blood of Kittens.