Today we look at another one of the Tau flyers, the Razorshark. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Author: abusepuppy
9E Tau Codex Review: Fortifications: Tidewall
Today we look at the worst models in the game. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
9E Tau Codex Review: Dedicated Transport: Devilfish
Today we look at the humble Devilfish transport; click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
9E Tau Codex Review: Lord of War: KX139 Tau’nar
Today we look at the second-largest unit in the Tau arsenal, the Tau’nar Supremacy Armour. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
9E Tau Codex Review: Flyer: DX-6 Remora Stealth Drone
Today we look at the smallest flyer in the game, the Remora Stealth Drone. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
9E Tau Codex Review: Lords of War: Manta
Today we look at the largest model in the game, the Manta flyer. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
9E Tau Codex Review: Flyers: Tiger Shark
Today we look at the Tau’s second-largest flyer, the Tiger Shark. Click to read on or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
9E Tau Codex Review: Flyers: AX-5-2 Barracuda
Today we look at the Forge World Tau flyer, the Barracuda. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
9E Tau Codex Review: HQs: Shas’o R’alai
Today we look at one of the unique characters for the Tau army, Shas’o R’alai. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
9E Tau Codex Review: Elites: XV9 Hazard Suit
Today we look at one of the Tau’s Forge World units, the Hazard team. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.