This is the last article I’ll write about Autarchs, I swear. Click to read the CA2018-updated article, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Author: abusepuppy
Craftworlds Codex Review: HQs: Autarch with Swooping Hawk Wings
What’s that in the sky- is it a bird, a plane? No, it’s the Swooping Hawk Autarch, here to provide rerolls and shooting support anywhere your army desires. (It’s probably good that it wasn’t Superman, that guy is kinda a dick.) Click to read the updated CA2018 article, or check out the Tactics Corner for…
Craftworlds Codex Review: HQs: Autarch on foot
Although a lot of xenos factions aren’t lucky enough to get access to a character with a reroll aura, some few do- including Craftworld Eldar. But an Autarch can be much more than just an aura, especially if you’re dipping into the Index options for their wargear. Click below to read the CA2018-updated article, or…
Craftworlds Codex Review: HQs: Farseer/Farseer Skyrunner
The runes have long foretold that this article would be about Farseers; you cannot avoid the path of fate. Click below to read the updated CA2018 article, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Craftworlds Codex Review: Special Rules
Looking for an intro to the goody-good Eldar? Look no further! The first part of our Codex Review series for the Craftworlds codex begins, starting with the universal special rules and abilities available to the book. Click below to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Champion Secondary Missions and List Writing
The new ITC missions are here and everyone is scrambling to revamp their lists to deal with them- but there’s a lot more to look at in choosing your secondary missions than most players realize, and it can significant affect which army you choose to play and how you write your list.
CSM Codex Review: Fast Attack: Chaos Bikers
Not quite Doom Rider, but coming as close as the current codex will allow- it’s Chaos Bikers! Click below to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
CSM Codex Review: Special Rules and Traits
Chaos Space Marines have access to a wider array of special rules than ever before- if you’re confused as to what your army can do, or are looking for help in understanding the faction in order to defeat their evil, read on!
Whither the Race of Eldar?
Craftworld Eldar- are they the end of the game? (No.) Are they a complete garbage army? (Also no.) If you want a look at what inside the new codex will be making it to tournaments, look inside. (Okay.) Also, who is that behind me that keeps whispering? (Probably Alpharius.)
CSM Review: Fast Attack: Chaos Spawn
“The basis of all true cosmic horror is violation of the order of nature, and the profoundest violations are always the least concrete and describable.” -H.P. Lovecraft