We’re deep into the woods now, gentlemen. Units so obscure and crappy, they make the GW Tau fortifications look like hidden gold. Click to read more, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
Author: abusepuppy
Ep25: Playing From Behind
We’d all rather win games than lose them, but sometimes things don’t go as smoothly as we want.
Tau Codex Review: Flyers: Tiger Shark AX-1-0
When you’re costed like two Land Raiders, but you hit more like one Broadside, you know your rules are written by Forge World. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
In the Finest Hour Episode 24: Tournament Tips
Going to a tournament can be an intimidating experience, but it doesn’t need to be- and whether you’re a veteran of dozens of events or someone who is considering making the leap for the very first time, we have some tips for you.
Craftworlds Codex Review: Elites: Shadow Spectres
Yes, spellcheck, I did mean to write “Spectre” that way for the thirty-seventh time. Thank you for asking me. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
In the Finest Hour Ep23: List Archetypes- Flyers
What’s the deal, with Flyers? [/Seinfeld]
Tau Codex Review: Flyers: Orca Dropship
It’s named after a whale and it flies about like you’d expect from the name, but in compensation it’s also armed about the way you’d expect a hundred tons of blubber to be. Click to read on, or check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and strategies.
In the Finest Hour Ep22: Improving Your Competitive List
So you’ve gotten your list together and done a bunch of practice games and taken it to a tournament, but you’re not happy with how it’s performing. How do you identify the flaws in the army?
Tau Codex Review: Flyers: Barracuda AX-5-2
You lying so low in the weeds Bet you gonna ambush me You’d have me down, down, down to my knees Wouldn’t you, Barracuda?
In the Finest Hour Ep21: Assessing Skill Levels
There is a whole spectrum of skill levels of players who play Warhammer 40K, from ones who have to be reminded how shooting attacks work up to the folks who regularly win Major events.