Stave Stiff busts out the Space Wolves vs. InControl’s Skyblight Tyranids in this showdown! Only a few days of 5th edition left! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great content!
Stave Stiff busts out the Space Wolves vs. InControl’s Skyblight Tyranids in this showdown! Only a few days of 5th edition left! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great content!
5th edition?
Lol, feels like it, doesn’t it. That was Steve’s 5th ed Space Wolf list.
Also, you wrote last few days of 5th edition at the top 😛
Gg stiff. Play more games you are hilarious as crap.
Weren’t you supposed to run 3 units of Garg’s for a true Skyblight?
Also, that table in a box terrain looks amazing. When do you guys plan on selling that again? I want to buy one of your new mats, but I am waiting for you to sell it with terrain!
I should have the pricing on that worked out in the next week or two, we;ve had to work out how long it takes to make the terrain, etc. Very soon, though!
Have you thought about doing a Kick Starter campaign for the terrain like you did for the mats? I would totally back that!
Did anyone ever tell Steve that he looks like Larry Appleton from Perfect Strangers?
There was 3 units of gargs
Sorry, it was hard to tell in the video. Also, the list display in the beginning only listed two groups.
Yup, my bad, I forgot to add the last unit, I was in a rush to get that done. Sorry.
No biggie 🙂 I just wanted to give iN some crap, but he played it correctly. I should have known better 🙂
No into music either? I feel sad now