This came out super cool and we can’t thank Mr. Goat enough for his work!
We asked him to make us look ridiculous, and like our favorite armies if at all possible and he delivered! I am Eldar’s out like my Footdar, Frankie is bloated and gross like his Nurgle! Nice one!
So now instead of our silly stock image, we have this sweet art. Thanks, Goatboy!
Hey, look! It’s Reecedar and Frankguard!
haha, right?! The picture came out awesome.
Haha that’s awesome. That actually looks just like Frankie! Goat really managed to capture his essence..
Yeah, you can see that it is him right away!
Woot – glad you liked it. I will end up posting about it in my blog later on too. I found a goofy picture looking you up so it had to be used. Frankie was from the evil pit of my chaos bound soul. Glad it fits haha.
You nailed it, sir!