Frankie and Raw Dogger bust out the new Crimson Slaughter vs. Grey Knights with an Imperial Knight to see what the new Chaos can do! Check out the Tactics Corner for more bat reps!
Tag: warhammer 40K
The Greatest 40K Player in the Universe on the Crimson Slaughter
Hello everyone Frankie, the Greatest 40K player in the universe, here to talk to you about the future of Chaos Space Marines. As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews!
Guest Tournament Report from the Dark Star Best General: Cyle Thompson
Cyle Thompson is here to relate his best general performance with Ravenguard at the Dark Star GT, an 1850pt, 74 man event! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great tournament report.
My 2 Carls on the 2+ Re-Rollable
Adam from WAAGH Drill Teef is here to discuss his view on the 2+ reroll saves in the game today. Check him out at his blog, WAAGH Drill Teef for more information!
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Jokes!
Show Notes 3-15-2014 News Crimson Slaughter! Discussion. GW advertises the new Chaos Helbrutes in an interesting way…and I quote, “Unleash a Rancid Potpourri of Lunacy”…WtF?! Puppetswar releases some very cool new models, check them out! More Toughest Girls in the Galaxy scultps coming out! Max Mini releases some sweet new Skull Shoulder pads. KingdomDeath releases…
Dr. Sathonyx or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Death Star: A Tournament Report Part 2
Anonymou5 is back with part 2 of his tournament report featuring his Beastsar Deldar list! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great tournament reports!
The Curious Case of the Legion of the Damned
Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming to discuss the new Legion of the Damned Codex and how it will win every single game that it is used in. We should seriously consider banning this thing, people!
Novastar on Lords of War
Hey everyone, Novastar sent in a guest editorial on Lords of War for us. But, reader beware, Novastar writes for an adult audience and doesn’t pull his punches. -ed
Anonymou5′ Tournament Report: Stones River
Dr. Sathonyx or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Death Star. A Tournament Report. Part 1 As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great reports! I recently attended the Battle for Stones River in Murfreesboro TN. For the uninitiated, Stones is a 60 person tournament over 4 rounds (so sort…
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Comedy!
Show Notes 3-8-14 Notes News We are starting our Warmahordes Journeyman League next week! Wednesday, March 12th, for the orientation day. We will actually begin the league the following week, and it will run every Wednesday for 6 weeks. We start out with Battlegroups, which runs about $40 if you don’t already have one. Rules…