So, time is shorter than I anticipated on vacation (my GF is sitting here staring at me, willing me to type faster, haha) and I will only be able to write about the first game of the tournament. Against, Israel and his Tau!
Tag: warhammer 40K
Golden Throne GT Report Part 1
Hey everyone, sorry for the delay, but I am on vacation and can only take an hour here and there to get work stuff done. But, I wanted to get this down while it was fresh in my mind.
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Bad Jokes!
Show Notes 8-3-13 News Antenociti’s Workshop releases a 3D render of their new “Track Ball Tank” which looks super cool and a limited edition Merekat model. Check it out! Big shout to our buddy Ben Cromwell, Dr.Insanotron from Sinister Wargaming, who is now going to represent the USA at the ETC! Good luck and do…
Guest Editorial: A tool for every task, or why you need to know your opponent’s Army. A Battle Vignette.
Another guest editorial from Anonymou5.
Guest Editorial from Adam: Shooting is King
Adam from over at the Dice Abide blog, has a guest article for us.
Old School: Vulkan Space Marines at the Feast of Blades Qualifier
You’re my boy, Blue!
Warhammer 40K Video Battle Report Eldar vs Daemons
In this Warhammer 40K video battle report, recent Anime Expo GT winner Janthkin comes up to Frontline Gaming with his Daemons and Chaos list at viewer request to challenge Reecius’ Eldar! Will the Eldar finally meet their match and see their hot streak come to an end?
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Rules, Tactics and Bad Jokes!
Show Notes 7-30-13 News The Las Vegas Open is filling up! Both 40K and Fantasy are selling quickly, 40K is already 30% full of the 256 slots available! 47 Ronin looks good, but seriously, another white guy as “the samurai?” He should team up with Tom Cruise to form the ultimate team of ridiculous and…
Guest Hobby Tutorial by Rich, from Green Stuff Industries
Check out this very cool tutorial on converting a guardsmen to have a Chaos style plasmagun! Brought to us by Rich from GSI.
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors, Tactics and Bad Jokes!
Show Notes 7-27-13 News Las Vegas Open!!! Tickets are selling fast! 40K Championships are already 25% sold out and they haven’t even been up for sale for 2 days yet! Don’t forget you need a Con Badge to get in. The Lizardmen are upon us! They just went up on GW’s site which means they…