Guest hobby tutorial by Shane Irons.
Tag: warhammer 40K
Space Marines Reviews: HQs Part 17: Command Squads
The Command Squad is up for review! Check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews, articles and video battle reports!
Space Marines Reviews: HQs Part 15 & 16: Captains
Up for review: Space Marine Captain and Space Marine Terminator Captain! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more reviews and videos! These guys will be reviewed together as they are essentially the same model.
And now, the Meta!
Hey everyone, Reecius here from Frontline Gaming after recovering from Duel Con to talk about the results and the current meta of 40K.
Signals from the Frontline: Warhammer 40K and General Gaming News, Rumors and Jokes.
Show Notes 10-1-13 News Comikaze! Last chance. Las Vegas is half full, do not wait on those tickets. Help us out with a forum for Frontline Gaming! The last effort with BB forums was a mess. We’ve been told that setting up a new site and linking to it via Frontline would help, but if…
More Duel Con Pictures
I will write up a report of the event tomorrow, I am still wiped out from the event and the trip home but for now, here’s some more pics!
Buy Your Comikaze Tickets TODAY or Never Again
Time to stop being lazy gamers and get off your butts! If you want this event to continue you MUST buy your tickets today. Buy them here:
Duel Con In-Action Report (40K Results Posted)
We’re well underway with Duel Con, here’s some updates of the action! This will be updated as we gather more data.
Space Marines Reviews: HQs Part 14: Honor Guard
The unit that is generating a lot of buzz due to their dramatic points decrease is up for review: Honor Guard!
My Ultramarines List so Far
So this is where I am at so far and am really liking the Ultramarines as my go to Space Marine force.