Israel’s Tau have been on a rampage and here he takes on Mack Martin’s Grey Knights with IG allies in a 1750pt BAO practice game.
Tag: video bat rep
Nids Double Header vs Chaos and Marines + IG 1750 BAO Match
Frankie calls out Reecius’ Nids with his new Chaos list in a grudge match! Then, Reecius takes on ChristianA’s very, very good new Marine/IG list.
40K Video Bat Rep: Hot Eldar on Eldar Action!
Grant gets back from boot camp and thinks he can call out Frankie in this 1750pt BAO Practice game! Who will win: Seercouncil Eldar or the infamous Harliestar?
40K Video Bat Rep: Jy2’s Chaos vs. Capt’n Dees’ Biker Marines 1750 BAO Practice Game
In this game Jy2 busts out his Typhus led Chaos against Capt’n Dees’ mean green Biker Marines!
40K Video Battle Report: Tyranids Vs. Daemons 1750pts BAO Test Game
In this BAO test game, Smilin Dan busts out his Tzeentch Daemons (with blood Thirster!) against the Nids! This game shows some really solid tactics for fighting Daemons of the Tzeentch variety.
40K Video Bat Rep: 1750 BAO Test Game
In this battle, Reece busts out his Nids against Captain Dees’ tournament Biker Marines in a very fun bat rep.
Chaos Double Header Part 2
In this Double Header, we see Reecius’ Night Lords out against Jy2’s Tyranids, and again against Capt’n Dees’ 1,000 Sons in a pair of 1750pt BAO test matches.
40K: 6th Ed Space marines vs. Space Wolves 1500pts
Frankie and Kyle battle it out with “normal” armies in this 1500pt game.
Independent Characters’ Live Bat Rep Using Reecius’ Footdar List
Video streaming by Ustream The Independent Characters have posted a cool Bat Rep using my Footdar list from Adepticon. The report’s a bit long, but you get to see the entire game develop as if you were playing it.