z3n1st and Reecius play another round of infinity on the new High-Tech city F.A.T. Mat! Aleph starter set vs. Morat starter set. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!
Tag: video bat rep
Dropzone Commander Video Bat Rep #5 PHR vs UCM
Rich from Greenstuff Industries takes his newly painted PHR army out against Reecius’ UCM in this 1500pt game on the new Urban Zone F.A.T. Mat, designed for DzC!
Malifaux Video Bat Rep #1 Bayou Gremlins vs Seamus
Frankie tries out Malifaux against Justin, one of the writers of the game on our new Western Waste F.A.T. Mat!
Dropzone Commander Video Bat Rep #4 PHR vs UCM
Cameron visits Frontline Gaming while home for the holidays. He normally plays out in Atlanta. He takes out his PHR vs. Reecius’ UCM in this 1500pt battle on the new official DzC F.A.T. Mat which we call: Urban Zone! As always, check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!
Infinity Video Bat Rep #1 Morat vs Aleph
Reecius and z3inst play a game of Infinity, Morat vs. Aleph on the new HiTech CIty F.A.T. Mat! Please forgive any rules errors as Reecius is a n00b at Infinity. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep #265 Orks vs Chaos
In this battle to rock the heavens, Seamus’ Orks takes on Christian’s Chaos!
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep #264 Orks vs Tyranids
Tastey Taste busts out his Green Tide Orks vs. iNcontroL’s tournament Tyranid list. Check out the Tactics Corner for more great bat reps!
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep #263 Raptors vs Necrons
Reecius’s busts out his Raptors and Wolves list vs. OmegaPrime’s Necrons!
Dropzone Commander Battle Report – 999 PHR vs. Allied Resistance, Targets of Opportunity
Cameron is back with another DzC bat rep!
Warhammer 40K Video Bat Rep #261 Grey Knights vs Astra Militarum
Spam Adams brings a Grey Knights army to bear against Raw Dogger’s nasty Astra Militarum with Culexus ally! Check out the Tactics Corner for more great video bat reps!