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Tag: tactics
Space Marine Review: Elites: Centurion Assault Squad
Ladies and Gents… Scuba Steve here – today I want to quickly talk about a unit that is seldom seen on the table top… but really should be. The little brother of the mighty Centurion Devastator, the Centurion Assault Squad packs a serious punch when it is combined with some savvy tactics and bold play…
Signals # 463: Metabusting Monday: Codex Deathwatch
In this episode of Signals Jason and PeteyPab go over some tactics for the new Deathwatch codex, talk about som CSM rumors, and more! Don’t forget to follow along with our live stream on Twitch at 11am PST
Chaos Space Marines Review: Imperial Armour XIII: Legacies of Ruin Part 1
Hey everyone, Adam here from TFG Radio! Today I’m going to discuss Imperial Armour 13. More specifically the Legacies of Ruin that are available to the Chaos Legions. As always, for more tactics articles, check out the Tactics Corner!
Space Marine: Fast Attack: Attack Bike squad
Heyo everyone, this is Hotsauceman here to tell you about one of my favorite units in the codex and one of the best units for their price you can get. Remember, if you want to get Reece into a dress, check out the Tactics Corner for more fun stuff
Tyranids Review: Heavy Support: Carnifex Brood
Hey everyone, DustyK here taking a break from my normal tree lovin’ and doing a rundown of how to properly use your Carnifex Brood for the Tyranids. As always, for more tactics articles, check out Tactics Corner!
Deffkopta, the Musical – Act 2: Increasing the Tempo
Guest author Justin Del Valle is back with a followup to his first Deffkopta list article. This time he talks about how to efficiently play a large model count army.
Space Marines Formation Review: Battle Demi-Company
SaltyJohn from TFGRadio here to talk shop about an incredibly popular formation in Warhammer 40k, the Space Marine Battle Demi-Company! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Space Marine Review: Elites: Terminator Squad
Hi everyone, Michael here to review one of the most iconic units in the long history of 40k; the Terminator Squad. For more reviews, analyses and battle reports, check out the Tactics Corner.
Space Marine Review: Formation: 10th Company Task Force
Ladies and Gents, today we are going to take a good look on how to effectively use the 10th Company Task Force, a Space Marine Formation that almost everybody uses but not always to the most effective ends, well… I think it is time to fix that… We are going to make it so that…