A guest Tactica by Michael Linke!
Tag: tactics
Valkyrie of the Void: Eldar Corsair Shenanigans IV
Ibushi back again with one of those units that has been around for aeons, but which you rarely, if ever, see: the Corsair Phoenix Bomber! For more reviews, make sure to check out the Tactics Corner.
Signals from the Frontline #480: HUGE F.A.T. Mat Sale!
Join us for the live show by following this link! Show starts at 11am, PST.
Space Marine Elite Review: Dreadnoughts
Hello everyone SaltyJohn here from TFGRadio bringing you a review of an unappreciated Elites Choice from the hallowed tech adepts of the Adeptus Astartes, the Dreadnought! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Genestealer Cults: Codex Review: Part 1: Special Rules and HQs
Hey everyone, Chandler here with Part One of my review on the new Codex: Genestealer Cults covering the Special Rules for the army as well as the HQ choices. For more reviews, analysis and battle reports, check out the Tactics Corner.
Power of the Void: Eldar Corsairs Shenanigans III
Ibushi here to talk about the Corsair Void Dreamer, a consummate mind troll with the potential to explode his own head, send a Wraithknight across the table turn 1, or just summon Daemons like a good 6th Edition Eldar. To see what other Corsair Tactics there are, check out the Tactics Corner.
Space Wolves Elite Review: Wolf Guard Terminators
Hello everyone SaltyJohn here from TFGRadio bringing you a review of an underutilized Elites Choice from: the warriors of Fenris, the Sons of Russ, the Space Wolves themselves the Wolf Guard Terminators! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Chapter Tactics #8: Eldar 101
Today PeteyPab and his guest go over both the ways to beat, and play Eldar competitively. Other than the usual ways of course. We also cover a Blood Angels list in the List-Lab.
Cursed of the Void: Eldar Corsair Shenanigans II
Ibushi back again with another rum-guzzling special, this time reviewing the Corsair Malevolent Band, aka purple psycho pirates, the most unusual Eldar unit since Mandrakes. Check out the Tactics Corner for a list of all the reviews and action we have so far.
Chapter Tactics #7: Tips for TOs
Today’s episode is dedicated to all the TOs who have to deal with all the nuances of running a 40k event. Thanks guys for all the hard work you do!