Today on Chapter Tactics PeteyPab wrangled up some Chaos Space Marine players, boozed them up, and went over the new 40k Traitor Legions book with them.
Tag: tactics
Space Wolves HQ Review: Ragnar Blackmane
Hello everyone SaltyJohn here from TFGRadio bringing you a review of one of my favorite characters in 40k, both in the fluff and on the table top, Ragnar Blackmane! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Eldar Corsairs Review: Corsair Reaver Band
Today we’re looking at the stand-up boys in the pointy eared pirate’s troops section: the Corsair Reaver Band. Check the Tactics Corner for more great content!
Chapter Tactics #12: Wrath of Magnus Meta Review
Today on Chapter Tactics Frankie and I analyze the meta post Wrath of Magnus release, and check out what those sneaky Canadians are up to.
Chapter Tactics #11: Dominating the Movement Phase
Today PeteyPab and his guest are going over the most important phase in 40k. Come on in if you want to hear some valuable tips you can use to outplay your opponent.
War Zone Fenris: Wrath of Magnus Review: Dataslates and Special Rules
Oooooooooh, nelly! We’ve got our hands on a doozy, the new Wrath of Magnus supplement and in this article, we shall review this beauty covering dataslates, Psychic Powers, special rules and wargear. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles.
Wrath of Magnus Review: Formations and Detachments
PeteyPab has the scoop on the new 40k Wrath of Magnus formations and formation based detachments. Check the Tactics Corner for more great reviews!
Lista Tactica: Dark Eldar!
Hey everyone, DustyK here with a new segment called Lista Tactica going over fun and competitive lists and detailing how to play them in order to crush your foes and make your friends cry! As always, for more tactics articles, check out Tactics Corner!
Dark Eldar Unit Review: Troops: Wyches
Zyekian here to tackle the most maligned and debated units in Codex: Dark Eldar, Wyches. Do these deadly (heh…) duelists have a place in your army? Or are they shelfbait until the next codex refresh? Read on for the full breakdown! And as always don’t forget to check out Frontline Gaming’s tactics corner for more…
Chapter Tactics #9: Psychological Warfare
Today Pablo and his guest go over the game “above the board” at competitive 40k events, and everything you can do to master one of the key mental aspects of competition.