Ibushi back from the webway, today we’re looking at another classic space pirate unit – the Corsair Wasp Assault Walker. This was originally released in IA11 as a powerful Corsairs troops choice but in the new version it has been changed somewhat. Aside from bouncing around like a jackrabbit, can this model do anything on…
Tag: tactics
Space Wolf Fast Attack Review: Stormwolf
Hello fellow followers of the All Father, SaltyJohn here from TFGRadio bringing you the Stormwolf in all its glory! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Eldar Corsairs Review: Ghostwalker Band
Garrulous greetings from the webway today, Ibushi here to talk about my favourite pointy-eared pirates troop choice: the Corsair Ghostwalker Band. These guys are the B-team to the Craftwolrd Eldar Rangers, aka Outcasts who have ‘made it’ in Eldar society; but where Ghostwalkers lack hard skills, they make up for it in bang-bang! Read on…
Thousand Sons Lord of War Review: Magnus the Red
Hello escapees of the wastelands of the internet Forum, SaltyJohn here from TFG Radio to bring you a break down of Magnus the Red, Daemon Primarch of the Thousand Sons. For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Chapter Tactics #14: Mission Theory, 1650 points, and Imperial Agents
Today Pablo chats with two of the TOs from the Renegade Open GT about missions, how to pick the right format for your event, and laments the release of the Imperial Agents Codex.
Genestealer Cults: Codex Review: Part 3: Relics, Warlord Traits, Formations and Tactica
Hey, everyone. Chandler back again with Part 3 of my Genestealer Cults Codex review. For more reviews, analysis, and battle reports check out the Tactics Corner.
Dark Angels Review: Formation: Hammer of Caliban
Hey, everyone. Chandler here with a look at everyone’s favorite secret Space Marines, the Dark Angels and their Formation, Hammer of Caliban. For more reviews, analysis, and battle reports check out the Tactics Corner.
Space Wolf Review: Fast Attack: Skyclaw
It’s been a while since I’ve written an article and I’ve started to experience some withdrawal symptoms: shaking… the sweats… but probably the most disturbing is every time I close my eyes I get this image of Reece looking at me with a stern look… the only remedy for these frightening symptoms is to start…
Iron Warriors Review: Special Rules
Hello everybody, Danny from TFG Radio here again with another Traitor Legion overview, but instead of Blood for the Blood God, let’s look at the steel strikers, the metal malcontents, the Iron Warriors! You can also check out all the new Tech for Chaos at Frontline’s Tactics Corner.
Space Marines:Fast Attack: Lucius Pattern Dreadnaught Drop pod Review
Hello everyone, this is your lord and savior Hotsauceman here to tell you about the one thing making dreadnaughts good again: The Lucius Pattern Dreadnaught Drop Pod. If you want to learn more, check out Tactics Corner for more fun stuff. Like I said, this guy alone makes dreads good. It is simple, it is…