Hi, everyone. Chandler here with some input on what is sure to become one of the hottest lists of Newhammer; Tzeentch Flying Circus. In 7th edition I wrote about the Rehati War Sect build, and fortunately, with Newhammer, you can replicate this army only now, it’s even better than before. So, get those demon princes…
Tag: tactics
Chapter Tactics #32: Building a List for Matched Play and the Meta
Chapter Tactics is a 40k podcast which focuses on promoting better tactical play and situational awareness across all variations of the game. Today PeteyPab dives into the depths of competitive list building in 8th edition and explains the new list building process for newer players.
Chaos Space Marines in NewHammer 40K (Part 2)
Hey everyone! Adam here, from TFG Radio, to talk about how the new edition, and the rules previews we have been seeing, will affect Chaos Space Marines (CSM). As always, for more tactics articles, check out the Tactics Corner!
Chapter Tactics #29: Target Priority and List Analysis w/ Skaredcast
Chapter Tactics is a 40k podcast which focuses on promoting better tactical play and situational awareness across all variations of the game. Today’s episode covered Target Priority with Skari from Skaredcast. We talked about some good tips and tactics that hold true no matter which edition you are playing.
WarmaHordes Theme List Discussions: Jack Themes
Do you DIG Giant Robots? Do you look at 40k and think “The Dreadnoughts are SO COOL, but…” Then come inside from the rain my friend, I’ve found your favorite list builds in WarmaHordes!Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Guest Tactica by Revan: Harlequins
The effervescent Shadowseer swirls in a Harlequin checkered mist of Leadership modifiers. For 60 points, and the release of the new Aeldari Gathering Storm 2 Rules, the Shadowseer can no longer be ignored.
Chapter Tactics #28: How to Become 40k Neo, and Analyze the 40k Matrix
Chapter Tactics is a 40k podcast which focuses on promoting better tactical play and situational awareness across all variations of the game. Today PeteyPab and TFG Radio show you how to become 40k Neo, and see the beyond the Matrix of 40k.
Traitor Legions Detachment Review: Death Guard Vectorium.
Hello fans of Frontline Gaming, SaltyJohn, and TFGRadio today I’m bringing you the Death Guard from Traitor Legions, the Vectorium, in all it’s filthy, resilient glory! For more reviews, bat reps, tactics discussions, and analysis check out the Tactics Corner!
Age of Sigmar: Kharadron Overlords Overview Part 2
Reecius back with part two of our Kharadron Overlords overview! This time we’re looking at their Sky-port cities, Battalions, Artefacts and Command Traits. Check the Tactics Corner for more great information.
AoS Tactics: Latest Free Peoples Tactics
Hey everyone, Reecius here to discuss the lessons I’ve learned playing with my Free Peoples’ army in Age of Sigmar! Check the Tactics Corner for more great information.