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Tag: tactics
Adeptus Custodes Review: Vexilus Praetors
Mr.MoreTanks back to talk about my absolutely favorite force in all of the grimdark universe, the Adeptus Custodes. As always, for more tactics articles, check out the Tactics Corner!
Imperial Knights Review: Armiger Warglaive
Hey everyone, Reecius here with another Imperial Knights Review! This time, the Armiger Warglaive. Check the Tactics Corner for more great reviews.
Imperial Knights Review: Armiger Helverin
Hey everyone, Reecius here to talk about the new Imperial Knights unit, the Armiger Helverin! Be sure to check out the Tactics Corner for more great articles and reviews.
Codex Review: Imperial Knights Part 3: Questor Mechanicus
Hey everyone, Reecius here to cover the next part of our Imperial Knights Codex review. This time we will talk about the options available to Questor Mechanicus Knights. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Imperial Knights Codex review Part 2: Questor Imperialis
Hey everyone, Reecius here to cover the next part of our Imperial Knights Codex review. This time we will talk about the options available to Questor Imperialis Knights. Check the Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Why Doesn’t the Necron Horde work?
Hey everyone, SaltyJohn from TFG Radio here to talk to you today about something I haven’t posted about in a few months. The tactical part of 40k.
Harlequins Codex Review: Part 3
Embrace Your Inner Geek here with the Third installment of my Harlequins Review. This time the generic Stratagems and Enigmas. Check he Tactics Corner for more great articles!
Live Review of Codex: Imperial Knights!
Frankie and Reece review the Imperial Knights Codex!
Guest Editorial: T’au Tactics in 8th ed 40k
Charlie brings us a guest tactica on the T’au in 8th edition. Check the Tactics Corner for more great content.