Today Brandon Grant hosts an episode and talks about the All in nature of the new ITC missions and how to build a list to take full advantage of the new alpha strike meta.
Tag: tactics
Fantasy Fisticuffs #15: I Put a Spell on You (Casting-Heavy Armies in AoS)
Having looked at horde and elite armies in competitive AoS, our Gaze (of Nagash) next falls to armies that build around a mastery of magic in their pursuit of wins.
T’au and the For the Greater Good FAQ/Errata
Hey everyone, Richard Siegler from Art of War here to talk to you about T’au!
Faction Focus Drukhari
Hello, and welcome to another tactical tidbit by Skari from Art of War. In this article, I will guide you through the darkest of alleyways within the Dark City.
Chaos Daemons Monsters and Wrap-up.
The notorious champion of Greater Daemons, rvd1ofakind brings us an analysis of where the Daemons are at in the meta!
Faction Focus Sisters of Battle
Are you a defender of the faith? Erik here from Art of War! Today we will be going on a bit of dive through the Sisters of Battle codex.
Fantasy Fightclub: I Think I’m a Clone Now (Force-Grown Drones in Conquest)
With more and more games under my belt, I want to start talking about Conquest tactics with a discussion on its most mild-mannered unit, the Spire’s Force-Grown Drones.
Brandon Grant on The Greater Good and Astra Militarum
Top Astra Militarum player in the ITC and former ITC and LVO Champion, Brandon Grant gives his opinion on the new Greater Good book and how it benefits his favorite faction. For more great articles, check the Tactics Corner.
The Space Marine FAQ and You
After months of agony and anguish, our Games Workshop overlords have finally answered our prayers, giving us the much-needed Space Marine FAQ! But was it enough? Was it too much? What does it mean for the future of our children!? Rest easy, my young padawans, for Art of War has the answers!
The Greater Good: Farsight Enclaves
We’ve heard a lot of talk on the new Sept tenets and the new stratagems – a handful of which are strong, many are mediocre – but I want to focus on what is I think the most interesting aspect of the T’au updates in The Greater Good: the Farsight Enclaves.