Salamanders: A Hidden Gem- by Nick Rose from the Art of War Near the end of 2019, Marines were coming out, and one of the last books was Salamanders. On top of that, the final big tournament at the end of the year was Pro Tabletop in Atlanta. That directed a lot of focus in…
Tag: tactics
Pros and Cons of MSU in the ITC
Hello, and welcome to another tactical morsel by Skari, your grateful host from Art of War. This article is designed to explore the pros and cons of designing and playing a 40k army that is considered MSU (multiple small units) in an ITC setting. First, we will look at some different types of MSU armies,…
Faction Focus Blood Angels
Old Man Brad from Art of War here to tell you youngins a thing or two about Blood Angels. So, you feel the Black Rage building up inside you, and you’re ready to put that onto your opponent, but what should you field? Let’s get to list building and let OMB tell you what you…
Faction Focus: Dark Angels
Hello, my brethren. Gather round the table as I share with you my secrets from Art of War about how to make your Dark Angel army kick some major @$$!
Buying Yourself Some Time
Hello readers! Alex again from Art of War, with a look into understanding time management and creating room on the tabletop. Now, when I say time management, I’m not referring to the chess clock or making sure your games finish on time. I’m talking about managing the pace of the game. When does the game…
The Art of Hordes
Articles Hey, guys! Erik here with all you need to know about how horde armies operate and what goes into playing a horde at the top level in an anti-horde environment! Where Does the Strength of the Horde Lie? Although the obvious answer is the model count that comes with being labeled a “horde” army,…
Faction Focus Harlequins
Articles Hey everyone, Cameron Pineiro here from Art of War to talk to you about Harlequins! Harlequins are hands down my favorite army. I started playing 40k back at the end of 3rd edition with Eldar but was curious as to what happened to the clowns that were present in earlier editions. As 4th rolled…
Psychic Awakening Ork Review
Hi, everyone! Steven Pampreen here to tell you all that you need to know about the new Orks. Other places have gone into more details of what everything is, so I’m diving into my predictions of builds that will result. Take all of this with the understanding that FAQs (particularly to the new “clan locked…
Faction Focus Eldar
Hey guys, it’s Old Man Brad (OMB) coming at you with some tips and tricks, or more accurately some combos and suggestions, for crushing the shifting post corona meta with your pointy-eared space elves. Let’s dive in with some of the best units, best combos, and some of my personal favorites that I’ve just loved…
Interview with Stephen Box on Blood Angels
Hey guys check out this awesome Art of War interview with Stephen Box from Vanguard Tactics about his Blood Angels which he went undefeated with at a 48 person event in the UK! Listen Here! And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!