We continue our IA Apoc 2nd ed reviews with da Orks by request from Grimgob.
Tag: orks
Kromlech new Miniatures: Ork Desert Raider (Buggy Stand-In)
Kromlech makes some really great products, and these Ork Desert Raiders would make great buggies for games of 40K or Warpath. Check out their Facebook page for more information.
Video Battle Report: Orks vs. Mech Blood Angels
Here we have Will’s Mech Blood Angels against Ian’s Ork army. This is a league battle for our East bay Wargamer’s league, and we wanted to mix it up a bit from all the Necron reports we’ve been running. Never fear though, we will be coming back to the Crons very soon! We just wanted…
Hobby Blog: Green’s Ork Kan Wall
Team Zero Comp member, Jason Green has started a new Ork army, and so far it looks pretty awesome. We will have a running blog of Green’s progress as he builds up the force, uses our base coating service, and then his final steps into finishing the army. He custom made the bases using bits from cities…