Hi AllIt looks like next week will be a big one for Games Workshop. They just announced the products going up for order and it’s going to be a crazy week!
Tag: orks
Narrative 40K: Pasdena IX Campaign
Hey everyone! Adam, TFG Radio host and FLG judge, here to talk about the start of our local 40K campaign.
Do you want to be stabbed in the face or in the back? – 40k Open Day Reveals
Hi all,Age of Sigmar wasn’t the only game to get a series of big reveals last night. The next set of Arks of Omen protagonists have been revealed alongside the next book! Boss Snikrot: This sneaky-stabby boi is looking to wet the blades of Mork’s Teeth (his blades, weird that they pronounce the “th” at…
40k, That’s Hot – The Must Take Units in the Ork Codex
Here come da Orks! The 9th edition Ork release in the summer of 2021 brought the Greenskins in line with the new edition and not only upgraded the old units but even added in a completely new line of models, the Beast Snaggas. Like all codices it is a mix of amazing must take units…
Orks Pre-Order Now Up!
Grab the new Ork goodies in our web-cart at discounted prices.
Ork Codex – Narrative Review
Hello everyone,While I am not an Ork player myself, I was very excited about the new crusade rules in the Ork Codex. One of the main reasons I was interested is that the Orks background allows them a lot of narrative opportunities and I was curious to see how the new rules would seek to…
More Ork Previews!
Check out these new Ork weapons rules! What do you think? Excited to get your WAAAGH!! on?
More Ork Rules Sneak Peeks!
Check out these squig rules tidbits for the upcoming Ork codex for 40k! These should add a lot of that Orky flavor and fun we all love about them.
Warhammer Fest Day 5 Highlights
More amazing models on the way, this time the awesome looking new Beast Snagga Orks!
GW Grognard: I miss the real Orks
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to talk about everyone’s favorite green army. Not Salamanders, ORKS!