Wargames Atlantic has shared a progress update for their Grand Battle Scale Orcs. Let’s take a look!
Tag: orcs
Ork Rules Preview
GW previewed some of the new Ork rules and they look awesome!
Total War: WARHAMMER – Grimgor Ironhide Campaign Trailer – In-Engine Cinematic
This game is looking amazing!
Warhammer 40k Live Stream Video Bat Rep #1 Orks Vs Space Marines
This is a recording of our first live stream from over at our Twitch Chanel: FrontlineGaming_TV We broadcast on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7pm PST, come by and join us! This first video is a little rough, we’re still working the process out, but, it’s a fun game between Reecius’ Orks, “Da Sons of AnOrky!”…
Hobby Blog: Green’s Ork Kan Wall
Team Zero Comp member, Jason Green has started a new Ork army, and so far it looks pretty awesome. We will have a running blog of Green’s progress as he builds up the force, uses our baseĀ coatingĀ service, and then his final steps into finishing the army. He custom made the bases using bits from cities…