What’s that? You have no idea what I’m talking about? Well let me tell you all about it!
Tag: Old WOrld
Tournaments in The Old World – Old World Legends
I spoke with Mike McTyre of Old World Legends, a Southern California based Old World Community with big plans for the game!
Tournaments in The Old World – Gamescape North
I spoke with a TO from San Rafael, CA about his store’s Old World tournament and his take on comp. Here is my conversation with him
Tournaments in The Old World – The Bay Area Open
I got the chance to ask a few questions of the TO for TOW at BAO. I promise that’s the most acronyms you will see in a single sentence.
Tournaments in The Old World – Games Workshop
GW has their own thoughts on tournament play, and they wrote them all down for the first Old World event held at Warhammer World. Let’s take a look!
What’s All This Griping About Old Models?
People can’t stop pointing out how old the miniatures in The Old World starter boxes are. What gives?
Rediscovering the Old World: Warhammer – The Old World Development Diary Update
The Old World team is back with another thrilling Development Diary, providing an exciting insight into the changes to the rules from previous iterations of Warhammer. As they embarked on the ambitious journey of designing Warhammer: The Old World, their mission was to create a modern game that paid homage to the classic tabletop wargame,…
Warhammer the Old World – Base Sizes Revealed!
Hi all!Happy Friday, we got another big update for a GW property getting a new edition today! There has been a major reveal around the Old World and it’s a little controversial!
Tomb Kings vs Bretonnia – Old World Starter Set Rumors get a Major Boost
Hi all,We have heard some rumors that when the Old World Launches the Tomb Kings will be fighting the Bretonnians in the starter box. Those rumors look a lot more likely with today’s Warhammer Community post:
FLG Helps Prep You for the Old World: The Empire
Hi All, As we continue our series through the Old World’s armies it’s time to look at the Empire! The empire was always a very popular faction but one that had a large range. Many of your core options have persisted through to AoS but a few notable ones have not. Old Range: As mentioned…