he High Elves, once masters of the seas, have long cast their gaze toward the horizon, with their mighty home island of Ulthuan serving as the epicenter of their influence.
Tag: Old WOrld
First Leak of the Wood Elf Release
Looks like someone is selling the package a little early! Easily some of their best minis are returning!
GW 2/15 Pre-Orders – The High Elves Land!
In this week’s Sunday Preview, the High Elves are back in action with some exciting new releases, including an array of miniatures and new rules to enhance your Old World forces.
Old World Rumors: Cathay All but Confirmed – Dogs of War Too?
So it looks like GW has updated their interactive map of the Old World and with it, added a bunch of hints!
Cathay Confirmed?
So the Old World map has been released, and with it is the vague promise of a new army. What could this mean?
Lord Paddington’s Powerfully Punctilious Prognostications for 2024
Hi all,After my recap last week, it’s time to dive into another set of predictions.
GW 1/18 Pre-Orders: Empire Wave 2, Horus Heresy Auxilia and More!
2025 is off to an epic start for Warhammer fans, with one of the most jam-packed pre-orders in months!
Sir Cecil Gastonne gets his model: The Wyrm Slayer – Bretonnia’s Legendary Beast Slayer
Bretonnian nobles are no strangers to glory, regularly embarking on quests to defend their people from unimaginable horrors. But when it comes to the fiercest of foes—like fire-breathing dragons—there’s one noble who stands out above the rest: Sir Cecil Gastonne, or as he’s better known across the land, the Wyrm Slayer.
The LVO Brings the First Previews of 2025!
The next major Warhammer Preview is just around the corner, taking place during the Las Vegas Open in two weeks.
New Orc Infantry for Oathmark from North Star
North Star Military Figures has shown of some painted examples of their newest plastic kit for Oathmark. Let’s check them out!