The beautiful Gothic Ruins Event Set has just been added to the hobby box giveaway as a prize that you could win!
Tag: news
FLG Articles of the Week
We’re back with another great week at FLG giving you some awesome articles for your pretty eyeballs.
All Praise The Loss of Transhuman Tyranid Warriors
Out of the recent Dataslate the biggest change come out for Tyranids with the loss of transhuman for Tyranid Warriors…finally.
Grab Your Limited FLG Hobby Box!
By popular demand the FLG Hobby Box is back, baby!
New GW Strikes Again
Well GW’s response to the Votann crisis just dropped and ….it’s good? One of the things I found so striking about this new release was that it was: funny, clever thoughtful and addressed the issue. While newer players probably expect this it hasn’t always been this way. In part of their video there was a…
AoS & Warcry Pre-Orders are LIVE! Arcane Cataclysm!!
Urban Corruption Event Set Urban Corruption Complete Set Earlier this week, we announced our newest terrain release–the Corrupted Terrain Set. We have five different color options available, so the terrain works will with several of our mats. The Corrupted Terrain Set was features on stream at the Lone Star Open last month.
SHS Restock & New Terrain Sets! More LVO Tickets Available!
Today, we have added over 110 new items to our Secondhand Shop! Please be sure to check both the Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000 sections. Additionally, over the past several weeks, we have added several items to the following Secondhand Shop categories: Battlefleet Gothic Blood Bowl Marvel Crisis Protocol Middle-Earth Strategy Battle Game Star Wars Armada Star Wars Legion Star Wars X-Wing Warlord Games…
New Full Color Terrain: Urban Corruption
We are excited to announce our newest terrain release–the Corrupted Terrain Set. We have five different color options available, so the terrain works will with several of our mats. The Corrupted Terrain Set was features on stream at the Lone Star Open last month.
NEW Marks For CHAOS Space Marines
Continuing on with even more chaos we’ve got some upgrades to the marks you can choose for your units. Whether it’s Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch or Slaanesh you’ve got a lot of options for building your army of Chaos.
Games Workshop Pre-Orders are LIVE! AoS, Necromunda & 40k
Frontline Gaming’s next event, the Lone Star Open, is only about five weeks out and we have some exciting news! First, our 40K Champs event is quickly approaching SUPER MAJOR status. Additionally, both our Age of Sigmar and Star Wars Legion events are growing rapidly. LSO 2022 will is being held at held at the Marriott Dallas Allen Hotel & Watters Creek…