Well, the rumors are true and the models are pretty sweet!
Tag: news
40K News: Chapter House Releases New True Scale Knight Praetorians
These kits are very cool and would be great for a 40K Space Marines army.
Signals from the Frontline: Enigma and HiTech Miniatures, New GW Releases, Dundracon and Braodside Bash Tournament Reports
Signals from the Frontline: Enigma and HiTech Miniatures, New GW Releases, Dundracon and Braodside Bash Tournament Reports Hitech minitures http://hitechminiatures.com/ Enigma Minitures http://enigmaminiatures.com/en/firstborn.html
Warmachine: Frontline Gaming is Going to the Dark Side!
Quite a few customers and employees of Frontline Gaming have picked up Warmachine/Hordes and we can’t wait to get into the game!
Signals from the Frontline: New Privateer Press models, 40K Rumors, Skared Podcast, Broadside Bash
In this episode of Signals from the Frontline, Frankie and Will discuss the new Privateer Press models, 40K Rumors, the Skared Podcast, and the Broadside Bash GT coming up in a few weeks.
Warmachine: Colassals
This is so bad arse!
Signals from the Frontline: 40K 6th ed Rumors, 40K 5th ed FAQ
In this episode, Reece, Frankie and Will discuss our first 40K 6th ed practice game, further 6th ed rumors and the 5th ed 40K FAQ that came out.
6th Ed 40K Rumors
So, we heard a doozy of a rumor today that I wanted to share with the community.
40K 6th ed Rules Leak now Rumored to be False?
So the rumor mill is saying GW officially deny that the leaked PDF was GW material. We’ll see what the truth is when 6th ed comes out, but I have my doubts. This is just too solid and big of a project to be a fake, IMO. Of course it is possible that it is,…
Signals from the Frontline: 40K Leaked 6th Ed Rules Rundown
So, here’s our reaction and review of the leaked 6th ed PDF. This is a long podcast, much longer than normal, but that is because we wanted to go over the rules in depth and really dig into it. We forgot to cover a few things such as rail rules, preferred enemy, etc. which can…