Check out these new pieces form Blood Moon Minis!
Tag: news
Signals from the Frontline: GW Rumors, New Raging Heroes and Puppet’s War Models, Vidar’s Rant of the Day
Signals from the Frtonline: GW Rumors, New Raging Heroes and Puppet’s War Models, Vidar’s Rant of the Day.
Signals from the Frontline: Scibor, Mantic, Rumors and News
In this episode, Frankie and Vidar discuss new rumors, Mantic and Scibor miniatures, the awesome Lego Land Raider and news.
Been Playing Heavy Gear
We hee at Frotnline have been branching out as advetised, and here is a beif recap.
Frontline Gaming is Diversifying!
We here at Fontline Gaming love to game…obviously! We are branching out into other game systems and wanted to let you all know what to expect.
Signals from the Frontline: 40K Chaos and Dark Angels Rumors, Squad/Transport Kits, New Paints, Forgeworld Battlezone Mortalis
Signals from the Frontline: 40K Chaos and Dark Angels Rumors, Squad/Transport Kits, New Paints, Forgeworld Battlezone Mortalis
New Scibor Miniatures
Scibor is up to it again with some awesome new minis.
Broadside Bash Pictures
The Broadside Bash is a GT in LA that happened recently. They took a slew of pictures which you can see here.
Signals from the Frontline: Puppet’s War, Dream Forge, Bay Area Open Annoucements
Signals from the Frontline: Puppet’s War, Dream Forge, Bay Area Open Annoucements.
New Releases from Taban Miniatures
Taban Miniatures is a French miniatures company that makes post-apocalyptic science fantasy style miniatures with a distinctively French Flair to them. There latest releases are pretty fantastic and particularly the Shinigami could be used as an alternate model for 40K games. Daemon Prince anyone?