Warhammer 40,000 Rules Addendum Please note, this is a working draft of the FAQ as voted upon by a council of Independent Tournament Organizers and is subject to change. This overrides any previous rulings I have made. This is also the FAQ you will see at many events, including Adepticon, WargamesCon, Feast of Blades, etc….
Tag: news
Kromlech New Release: Orks in Heavy Armor and More!
These are sa-weet!!
BAO Alternative Warmahordes Tournament Updated Info
BAO’s Warmachine/Hordes Tournament
Space Hulk II Video
A new Space Hulk video from the guys who brought us the Trails of Draigo!
Signals from the Frontline: News, New Releases, Rumors, Rants and Reviews!
Signals from the Frontline: News, New Releases, Rumors, Rants and Reviews! Press play to listen to the podcast.
BAO 2013 40K Tickets Added to the Shopping Cart!
We opened up more spots for the BAO 40K event, and gave first dibs to those on the waiting list. Now, we’re opening it up to everyone, so grab them while they’re hot!
Signals from the Frontline: New Releases, Kickstarters of Note, Rants, Daemon Waves
Signals from the Frontline: New Releases, Kickstarters of Note, Rants, Daemon Waves Press play to listen to the podcast.
New Warmachine Faction Inbound: Convergence of Cyriss!
Some funky, retro Sci-Fi looking robotic Warmachine goodies on the way!
Signals from the Frontline: News, Rumors and Tactics!
Signals from the Frontline: News, Rumors and Tactics! Press play to listen to the podcast.
Kickstarter: Wild West Exodus
Check out this kickstarter, looks like it might be a pretty cool game!