This highly anticipated game is now up for pre-order!
Tag: news
GW Grognard: You Can Never Have Too Much Stuff
Hey all, Adam, from TFG Radio, here for another installment! So grab your reading glasses and carry on!
Signals from the Frontline #601: ATC Recap, FLG Mat Summer Super Sale and Community News!
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link! The show starts at 11am, PST. The podcast and YouTube video-cast air at 9am, PST every Friday.
Come Check Out the Second Hand Shop!
Swing on by Frontline Gaming and check out the Second Hand Shop!
Signals from the Frontline #600: ITC Champion’s Missions Updates, Prepping for ATC and Community News
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link! The show starts at 11am, PST. The podcast and YouTube video-cast air at 9am, PST every Friday.
GW Pre-Order: New Blood Bowl Dark Elves and Accessories!
Check out the new pre-orders from GW! This week we’ve got all kinds of cool Blood Bowl releases including the new Naggaroth Nightmares Dark Elf team!
ITC Update and The Future
Hey everyone, Reeicus here to talk about some updates to the ITC format for both 40k and AoS!
GW Grognard: Be Nice to the Baby Seals
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to keep it cool in the middle of this heatwave!
Kill Team: The Game You’ve Been Waiting For
Mass battles between scores of units and thundering war machines are great, but there’s always been an undeniable appeal to skirmishes – those moment-to-moment struggles where victory rests on the efforts of a mere handful of troops and their individual heroics – when every warrior is a distinct character with their own story.
New Releases This Week: Nighthaunts and Stormcast Eternals
Grab the new Stormcast Eternals and Nighthaunts for Age of Sigmar at our discounted prices with FREE shipping on orders $99 and up within the continental USA.