Hey, fellow Age of Sigmar warriors, it’s time to dive into the battlefield reports and see how the latest Battlescroll has shaken things up in our icy realm of Andtor.
Tag: news
Stormbringer Magazine – Coming to the USA Soon
Okay, Warhammer enthusiasts, we’ve got some electrifying news! You know that awesome Stormbringer magazine series, right? Well, it’s not just for UK gamers anymore. It’s making its way to the United States, and it’s like a treasure chest of Warhammer goodness bursting at the seams!
SoCal Open: 40K and AoS Winners
Hey everyone! Adam, TFG Radio host and FLG head judge, here to let you know who won the 40K and AoS Champs at this year’s SoCal Open.
Belthanos, First Thorn of Kurnoth Rules and Preview!
Hold on to your helmets, Warhammer Age of Sigmar fans, because we’re diving into some exciting Sylvaneth action! The Ghyranite tail of the Twin-Tailed Crusade is in a sticky situation, tangled up with starving Ogors in the Scabrous Sprawl. But guess who comes to the rescue? None other than Belthanos, the First Thorn of Kurnoth,…
Ionus Cryptborn Preview and Rules!
Hey, fellow Warhammer Age of Sigmar aficionados! Grab your swords and shields because I’ve got some exciting news about Ionus Cryptborn, one of Sigmar’s legendary champions. This guy’s been around the block a few times, and he’s back with a fresh mission – he’s now the Warden of Lost Souls, and he’s riding a massive…
Age of Sigmar: Christmas Boxes Announced!
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s that time of year again when Games Workshop unveils the epic army boxes for Warhammer Age of Sigmar. These things are like treasure chests for hobbyists, and they’re back with a bang! Let’s dive right in and explore the goodies in these four glorious boxes.
Age of Sigmar – Armies of Renown Preview: Magmadroths and Mawpits
Ladies and gentlemen, get ready for some mind-blowing updates in Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s ongoing epic, Dawnbringers: Book III – The Long Hunt! This latest installment is an absolute treasure trove for all you Sigmar enthusiasts out there.
There’s Gold in Them Hills – New Squat Models for Necromunda!
Hey there, fellow gangers and wasteland wanderers, have I got some exciting news from the ash-strewn underbelly of Necromunda! The Ironhead Squat Prospectors are rolling onto the scene, and they’ve got some serious grit.
Army Painter Announces New Line of Premium Paints
The Army Painter, makers of Quickshade Dip wash and Speedpaint, have just announced a new line of premium hobby paints: Warpaints Fanatic. Let’s take a look at what they are bringing to the market.
Legions Imperialis – Spartan Preview
Hold onto your power armor, Horus Heresy fans! We’ve got something big and mean coming your way – the Spartan Assault Tank, Arkhan Land’s adaptation of the mighty Land Raider, finally in epic scale.