GW released a new video outlining the lore of the Gloomspite Gitz, the new Age of Sigmar faction.
Tag: news
Nerdery: Geroge R.R. Martin Writes a Game of Thrones Novel…Just Not the One you Wanted.
A new Game of Thrones novel is something to get excited about….right?
New Game Store Opened in London
Some friends of ours just opened a new Game Store in London. Give it a look if you are in the area!
Completed Commission: Plague Marines
These Death Guard Plague Marines came out very nicely.
Nerdery: John Wick 3: Parabellum Promises Highest Body Count Yet!
The John Wick films are some of the best action movies to come out in recent years, and it looks like the third installment in the series will deliver the goods.
Design Insights: Gloomspite Gitz
GW brings us some more info about the upcoming AoS Battletome for the Gloomspite Gitz, aka, Night Goblins.
Gloomspite Gitz: Revealed!
So, yesterday’s news was pretty exciting, eh? We bet you’re full of questions about the Gloomspite Gitz… and we’ve got answers. Not to mention loads of new models to show off!
Happy Holidays from your Friends at Frontline Gaming!
Happy Holidays from your friends at Frontline Gaming!
Nerdery: New Hellboy Trailer
The Hellboy movies have been pretty solid if you like fantasy and action. However, this new reboot of the franchise has a lot of potential and we’ve been watching the development here at the shop.
Signals from the Frontline #620: LVO & ITC 40k Updates
Join us for the live show on our Twitch channel by following this link! The show starts at 11am, PST. The podcast and YouTube video-cast air at 9am, PST every Friday.