GW brings us more previews and the stunning new Lumineth line for AoS!
Tag: news
Revealed at the New York Toy Fair!
As long-time lovers of New York, Toys and Fairs of all kinds, we thought we’d pop along to the New York Toy Fair, a major event for toy sellers across the world.
Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron Trailer
This looks like it will be a blast, lol!
ITC 2020 40k Missions Update
Hey everyone, Reecius here with an update to the ITC 2020 40k Champion’s Missions!
Signals from the Frontline #672: ITC Missions Continued Update
We discuss the ITC Missions updates and discussion. Joins us for the conversation and get some community news in the bargain.
The Grot Awakening: Saga of Makari
Haha, these new Ork rules look awesome!
Da Gatherin’ Waaagh!
WAAAGHH!!! Get fired up for the next Psychic Awakening book on the horizon!
Angels of Death Trailer is Looking HAWT!
Wow, this is really coming together. I am getting very excited for this. And remember, Frontline Gaming sells gaming products at a discount, every day in their webcart!
40k ITC Champion’s Missions are Updated!
Read on to get an idea of what’s changed and where we’re headed!
Nerdery: Final Fantasy 7 Remake Opening Movie
This looks amazing!