A former meta-king, finds itself becoming a finesse-needing contender. What units still do work, and which deserve their eternal slumber.
Tag: Competitive AoS
Fantasy Fisticuffs #34: Over and Under (Lumineth)
Something new, returning High-Elves, or a bit of both, this new AoS army is bringing some dangerous changes to competitive Age of Sigmar.
Fantasy Fisticuffs #33: Over and Under (Beasts of Chaos)
Sometimes you’re up for a challenge, and sometimes the challenge just beats you. This week I try to see if I can do absolutely anything with Beasts of Chaos. I am a glutton for punishment. Trying really hard to find, through real experience, the most over and under performing units in every army has been…
Fantasy Fisticuffs #32: Over and Under (Idoneth Deepkin)
While the sea-weed may indeed always be greener in someone else’s lake, you would be making a mistake to think Deepkin don’t have a couple tricks up their sleeves. What works about these fishy fellows, and what just stinks.
Fantasy Fisticuffs #31: Over and Under (Seraphon)
Dread it, run from it, the dinosaurs are still coming for your meta. What are the stars and weakspots on this wildly diverse book.
Fantasy Fisticuffs #30: Over and Under (Kharadron Overlords)
Going out of my comfort zone, I spent two weeks with a loaner army, attempting to figure them out. Here are my thoughts on what was best and worst from our time together.
Fantasy Fisticuffs #29: Over and Under (Fyreslayers)
The Flamin’ Hot flavored Dwarves continue to do well competitively, but lets see if any surprises remain to be had in the Fyreslayer Battletome.
Fantasy Fisticuffs #28: Over and Under (Sylvaneth)
Much maligned on the competitive scene, we try seeing the forest for the trees, and discuss the best and worst that Sylvaneth have to offer.
Fantasy Fisticuffs #27: Over and Under (Nighthaunt)
This week I was feeling spooky, and brought out the competitively struggling Nighthaunt. Which of their units proved to be great, and which were just scary bad…
Wide World of Wargaming: Age of Sigmar Ep 68: You Don’t mess with the T.O!
On this week’s program: As we slowly begin entering into a “New normal” we discuss how gaming may look moving forward. Additionally, Garrett and the Gang review’s his recent TableTop Simulator AoS RTT. We find out that he had a pretty clever structure to the event however some of us found his organization…lacking! Check it out…