Hello good people, my name is Luis Gonzalez. My handle on the forums is Brother Captain Pancho and I am the Gentleman who edits all of the Video Battle Reports you see. I also play Imperial Guard, as do most civilized people. My army list is a Leaf Blower variation that I will be talking…
Tag: chaos
Signals from the Frontline: More Chaos Rumors, Bay Area Open 40K Scenario
Signals from the Frontline: your every Tuesday and Saturday, under 30 minutes podcast about the table top gaming world. In this episode, Frankie and Will talk about further Chaos rumors, the Bay Area Open 40K Championships Scenarios.
Video Battle Report: Phalanx Crons vs. Plague Marines
Here we have the Cron Phalanx vs. Frankie’s Plague Marines. This was a great game and really showcases some of the weaknesses of the Crons as well as some of the amazing wargear combos they have. Playing overly aggressive as I did cost me, as you will see. I think this game would have been handily won…
Signals from the Frontline Podcast: Episode 8: Chaos Rumors, Rebuttal to Darkwynn’s Necron Review (Fixed)
Signals from the Frontline: your Tuesday and Thursday under 30 minute Podcast covering what’s new in the Wargaming World! In this episode, we discuss more of the Chaos rumors popping up as well as offer up out couter-points to Darkwynn’s Necron review from over at Bell of Lost Souls. Enjoy!
Podcast: Signals from the Frontline: Episode 7
Signals from the Frontline: Every Tuesday and Thursday for your 30 minutes or less tabletop gaming podcast! In this episode, Frankie and I discuss some of the rumors for upcoming Codices, Frankie and the team’s experience at the Alamo Games Workshop RTT and the upcoming Bay Area Open, as well as Frontline Gaming’s Black Friday sale.
Thoughts on the Current 40K Chaos Rumors
Here are the rumors of which I speak: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/410529.page This is all fantastic news to me. As a long time hobbyist, and a lover of the game’s setting, it warms my heart to see that the game designers are going away from the bland, boring current Chaos Codex (albeit effective on the table top: PM/Oblit/Lash still gets it done)….