It’s the weekend of the UK Games Expo – the largest independent tabletop gaming event in the UK! Seeing as we know a thing or two about tabletop gaming and loved attending the UK Games Expo last year, we’ve returned in force for 2019, sharing our latest reveals with fans new and old.
Tag: blood bowl
Warhammer Fest UK Updates (Sunday Updates Added)
Click through for some of the awesome highlights from the action at Warhammer Fest UK!
Breaking News from GAMA!
We’re here at GAMA – a global gathering for tabletop game makers – previewing loads of cool stuff. We’ll be looking at some upcoming releases for Warhammer boxed games and board games, with some incredible models and some surprises you never even knew you wanted.
Breaking News! New Models, New Expansions and Exclusive Reveals!
Phew! What a day it’s been – 2019 is shaping up to be pretty incredible, and we’ve still only scratched the surface. To further stoke the engines of the hype machine, we’ve got one last model to show you…
Blood Bowl: Shambling Undead Review
Hello folks, This is Dolch again, your correspondent on all things Blood Bowl from Games Workshop. This time, we are looking at one of the most recent releases, the Champions of Death. I have been waiting three years for an Undead team… and wow! It was totally worth the wait!
Blood Bowl : Basic Mechanics Review
Hello folks. Dolch here, your correspondent on all things Blood Bowl. This is for those who are Blood Bowl curious. The book that comes with the boxed game is split into ‘General Rules’ and ‘Optional Rules’… which makes it great for learning the game. In this article, we will cover the basic mechanics of the…
Blood Bowl: Building Mix and Match Teams
Hello folks, Dolch here with your scoop on all things Blood Bowl. In my last article, I gave you a bit of an introduction to the positional players and the lowdown on the teams that are available directly through Games Workshop. So if you are looking for coverage over contents of the starters as well…
Completed Commission: Blood Bowl Team: The Doom Lords
This Blood Bowl miniatures commission, the Doom Lords, was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Blood Bowl: An Overview
Guest writer Dolch brings us a Blood Bowl Article!
New GW Pre-Orders!
We’ve got some awesome new GW releases up for pre-order! As always, you can grab these from Frontline Gaming at a discount with FREE shipping for orders $99 and up!