These awesome Gouged Eye Orcs for Blood Bowl were painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
Tag: blood bowl
FLG Paint Studio: Greenfield Grasshuggers
This fun Halfling Blood Bowl Team was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
FLG Paint Studio: Crud Creek Nosepickers
This awesome Snotling Blood Bowl team was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
FLG Paint Studio: The Underworld Creepers
This characterful Blood Bowl team was painted by the FLG Paint Studio!
FLG Paint Studio: Blood Bowl Team
This awesome Blood Bowl team was painted by the FLG Paint Studio.
Sunday Preview – Angels of Darkness
This preview comes by way of the Warhammer-community site and remember, you can purchase these items from us at a discount next weekend via our web-cart!
New FAQs!
GW has uploaded some new FAQs to answer those nagging questions you may have.
This Week’s GW Pre-order: Necromunda, Blood Bowl and More!
We also got our hands on a small number of the coveted Battleforces so jump in and snag one if you missed out! Per usual, we offer discounted prices and free shipping options.
Sunday Preview: Half-time on the Gridiron
The Warhammer-community team brings us a preview of what’s coming up next week in the Warhammer hobby!
Blood Bowl Season 2!
This week’s GW pre-order is the new season of Blood Bowl and the accompanying accessories!