Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to spice up the 40K tabletop with the kernels that come out of my mouth!
Tag: 8th edition
Schemes within Schemes – Chapter Approved 2019 Maelstrom missions
Hey guys, Judge Lando again. Last time out, I was raving about how much I had been enjoying the Schemes of War Maelstrom rules (Here, in case you missed it) and how I was hoping they would get reprinted in Chapter Approved. My faith was rewarded! Not only were they reprinted, but six missions were…
GW Grognard: I think I need a Sherpa
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to expound on all things 40K.
Op Ed: Make Leadership Great Again
The Vets among us may recall a time. A time when gas was cheap. A time when politicians were honest, when children listened to their parents, when the news was reasonable, and when Leadership in 40k actually mattered. Alas, such times have passed us by, and we find ourselves instead in today’s times. Read on…
GW Grognard: You are All Spoiled
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to discuss things that matter to me, and me alone. Oh, and Warhammer 40K.
Better Maelstrom Missions– Schemes of War
With Chapter Approved on the way, I thought it would be a great time to talk about a mission from White Dwarf that I hope gets reprinted in it. Introducing (or re-introducing, if you’ve read the issue); Schemes of War.
Psychic Awakening II: World Eaters review, Stratagems
Hey everyone, Danny from TFG Radio here, and this time, we are looking at the awesome and just about all around useful stratagems from Psychic Awakening II: Faith and Fury. If you like your Butchers Red and your Frenzy Apoplectic, then you need to read on. Don’t be shy about checking out the other cool…
GW Grognard:Gotta Catch ‘Em All
Hey everybody! Adam, from TFG Radio, here once again to bless you with the doddering musings of my mind.
Psychic Awakening II: World Eaters Review, Warlord Traits and Relics
Hey everyone, Danny from TFG radio here, and today, we are looking at the newest goodness that our mighty lord Khorne has brought to us: the new rules for World Eaters from Psychic Awakening! If life gives you lemons, blood for the blood god, after all. Today, I am going to break down Warlord Traits…
GW Grognard: Getting to go to tournaments
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio, back to help free you from the shackles of adulting.