Going over what’s happening with LVO and what you can expect out of the event.
Tag: 40K
FLG Paint Studio: Eldar Rustle Your Jimmies
We’ve got some Eldar to help prepare you for their new codex commissioned by the FLG Paint Studio
40K META ANALYSIS: Black Templars & Custodes Getting To The TOP Tables!
Continuing on from yesterday’s article (you can check it out here) we’re diving into more tournaments and seeing what’s going on during these events.
The Colonels Corner: Candle Making
Hey guys ‘n gals! Welcome to the first installment of the Colonel’s Corner. Here I will detail hobby tips and tricks to help take your armies and collections to the next level!
40K META ANALYSIS: TYRANIDS Crusher Stampede Get 10 Top 4 Finishes
**Thought of the Day** “A hundred thousand worlds, ten hundred thousand wars. There is no respite, there is nowhere to hide. Across the galaxy there is only war”
FLG Paint Studio: Kharadron Overlords
We’ve got some Kharadron Overlords making their way from the FLG Paint STudio
GW Grognard: How I Prepare for LVO
Hey everybody! Adam, from TFG Radio, here to give you an inside look into how I prepare for judging the Las Vegas Open.
Genestealer Cults Get UPGRADES To Their Weapons
Looking at some updates that were dropped for Genestealer Cults
FLG Paint Studio: Death Guard on Display
Check out these Death Guard on display from the FLG Paint Studio
Glass Waagh in Wagga or something | The Thursday Show
We are back to doing what we love, bringing you three events from 3 continents!