Well, it’s finally here. After a long, long 9th edition, T’au players have our hands on the new codex. And it looks pretty good. There is a lot to say about this new book. The faction has changed quite significantly. The T’au remains a faction that, of course, does its business in the shooting phase….
Tag: 40K
We Lost Kicker In Vegas | Signals From The Frontline
We lost Kicker in Las Vegas. Reviewing the best of the best in the ITC 2021.
The Hangover LVO Show | The Thursday Show
We are back and mostly recovered from Las Vegas, This week we are looking at Legion Events GT, Cross Swords and CaptainCon
Tau Codex – Narrative Review
Hello Everyone,With the Tau Codex right around the corner it’s time to jump in and see how the blue bois hold up in the crusade world. As with other reviews, I have broken the rules into various chunks for assessment and comment. The Tau have a lot of interesting lore hooks and so I am…
40k Simulation Center: Codex Adeptus Custodes…Vertus Praetors Take 2
With the latest set of codices now on the shelves, it’s time to start breaking down what units and options are going to be right for your list!
40k Meta Analysis: Breaking Down The Top Lists of LVO
Today we go over the top lists of LVO and interview the players to see how they felt about the event and how their army did during the major.
40k Meta Analysis: NEW Custodes Hit Top 4 at Multiple Events
**Thought for the Day** Pain is an illusion of the senses, despair an illusion of the mind Lists, data, and all stats are based on information pulled from either Best Coast Pairings, Down Under Pairings, or tabletop to.
Day TWO LVO 40K Championship Report
**Thought of the day** All hail the martyrs! On their blood is our Imperium founded, in their remembrance do we honour ourselves. ***BONUS THOUGHT OF THE DAY*** You’ve won, and now I’m banishing you to the SHADOW ROUND! Guest Writer Nathan Henning So, by special request I’m writing a daily recap as we get through…
Day One LVO 40K Championship report
**Thought of the day** Survival is no birthright, but a prize wrested from an uncaring galaxy by forgotten heroes. So, by special request I’m writing a daily recap as we get through LVO, you’ll see some coverage to the weekly articles but tailored to a daily format. I’m going to cover some big/key matchups and…
GW Grognard: What is going to win?
Hey everyone! Adam, from TFG Radio here to give you my guess on what armies has the best chance of winning the Las Vegas Open 40K Champs this year.